
Saturday, August 25, 2012

A History of this Blog

I thought that I'd write a history of my starting this blog so that I would not forget it, should I wish to remember later.

In the fall of 2011 I thought that I'd like to have a website, to learn how to work one, to see what would happen with ad space, and to share my experience with deer hunting and muskie fishing.  After reading about Sitesell from someone on Roosh's forum I tried it out.  SBI (Sitesell) is very interesting and informative.  All the information on their website makes perfect sense.  I had a site about hunting deer.  I thought that I might be of use helping guys who are inexperienced deer hunters, and in any case, magazines are often limited in value because most of us do not hunt 400 acres in Iowa, etc.

After about 8 months I reached about the 16 millionth most visited website in the world thanks entirely to arranging the words on each page the way SBI recommended and then becoming the second search result for "hunting antlers."  This was not much in the way of generating enough visitors to sell adspace.  And I lost interest in the whole thing when I was supposed to re format each page to their new system.  That website just went defunct.

While working on that website I still had the goal of using my 13 years of deer hunting experience, and 22 bucks, to inform other hunters.  Why not also spend time on musky fishing? I thought. I have caught a few more than 320 muskies over 30".

I'd go weeks without doing anything to my SBI site.  Here I am constantly interested and have posted stuff every weekday, except "John Galt Day" on the 13th of every month.

I only went about 15 days without any pageviews, and then The Feral Irishman put this blog on his blogroll and the pageviews and interest in my blog increased dramatically ever after.  (I had been commenting on his, more interesting blog.)

Thanks Pissed!

I met Matt Forney a few weeks ago because his hitchhiking across the country seemed interesting and I wanted to ask him about blog stuff.  Before he added me to his blogroll I would open blogger to write a new post and I'd see that I had about 90 pageviews a day most days.  Then one day I discovered that I had 273 pageviews one day, because of his post about meeting me and my blog.

All this may be of little interest to anyone, but I have learned a few things about writing a blog.

1. to generate interest you need inbound links
2. many people look at blogs while at work, so schedule some of your posts for 8-9 am (learned from Matt)
3. There are many good, and interesting blogs, comment and link
4. Have something to say besides a series of links elsewhere

After a month and a half this is still holding my attention.

Let me know if you have a question about hunting whitetail deer or catching muskies.


  1. Much to learn you still have, my young Padawan. But you've come a long way. Glad to help you out.

    BTW, I'm (finally) leaving Madison next Saturday, so if you're in town again next week, let's grab a beer. You know my number.

  2. Hi Tim,

    Glad I could help :)

