
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Just For The Record

In case you want to start a blog:

I suggest that you have something that you want to say.

I suggest that you comment at similar blogs.

Google's blogspot could not be easier or more free.

I suggest using Wordpress if you are going to be serious about it, blogspot is too limited in options.

I've had more than 2,200 page views in 1 and a half months and 3 comments.  I'm not fishing for comments, but if you see something you like on any blog, then I suggest letting that blogger know so that he/she will know to do more of that.

If you want pageviews, inbound links are the name of the game.

In case you want to try online dating:

OkCupid and PlentofFish are free, and there are reasonable looking girls on each, so there isn't really any reason to use a site you need to pay for.

OkCupid does not show you the profiles for their most attractive members unless you are amongst the most attractive members.  If you wonder if you are amongst them, then you are not.

I could see why you'd want to try a site like Christian Mingle but I would suggest that you attend mass at a variety of local churches instead.  (Although a friend of a friend got quite a good, so I'm told, girlfriend in about a month on that website.)

Almost all of the girls' profiles are essentially the same.  The main difference that I seem to remember was that either they liked all kinds of music except country or they liked country music best.

I recorded the number of messages that I needed to send in order to get a reply.  If I was not in a great mood when I messaged them the response rate was about 0%.  One afternoon I was in a great mood when I sent out 10 messages, and 3 responded.  I would say that the average was about  15% of the messages that I sent got replied to.

Getting a second reply to a message was even more difficult than the first one.

If you are going to try it, I suggest that you have lots of pictures of yourself with friends, girls, different places, etc.  Then error on the too short side for your profile and messages. I also suggest having a kick*ss opening line on your profile and messages.

The way it will work will be you will send messages to all of the reasonable, and better, looking girls.  After discovering that hardly any of them replied you will send messages to girls that you would not even look at if you saw them in public.  After that you will be surprised at how few of them replied (about the same percentage as the better ones).

A tweet from Heartsie was once something like: They should rename the craigslist women looking for men category hippo safari.

To summarise:

1. Limited time for a blog: use blogspot
2. Much time for a blog: use wordpress
3. Skip online dating


  1. Great advice. Just started my own blog a couple of weeks ago. I went with WordPress.

    My last hookup from POF was a horror story so I'm considering deleting my profile. I should blog about it...

    1. Glad to be of help.

      I'll add you to my blogroll.
