
Friday, August 24, 2012

MBA Programs

I was recently re-reading parts of P.J. O'Rourke's book, "Holidays in Heck."  (All of his books are good books and worth reading; even those primarily on economics seem lighthearted and are a joy to read.)

In the chapter where he describes his visit to China in 2006 he came across a woman who owned a clothing factory.

Here is a quote from page 105:

"'Congratulations on your MBA,' Mai said to Mrs. Ng.

'You got an MBA?' I said. 'But you already own a clothing factory.'

'Most students are successful business people,' Mrs. Ng. said. 'They bring real problems to the seminars. The professors are expected to give practical help." And there you have the greatest contrast to the American educational system that can be described in three sentences."

For those of you who have been fortunate enough to NOT go to MBA classes, in this country MBA classes are just extensions of normal college business classes.  Admittedly with more older, and employed, people. but just extensions of undergraduate classes: lectures of minimal interest and value, and business plans with no basis in reality.

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