
Monday, September 24, 2012

Bourbon for Breakfast

Thanks to C-SPAN's Book TV you can watch an discussion with the author of two of my favorite books.

Bourbon for Breakfast

Its a Jetson's World

I cannot recommend highly enough that you should read at least one of these books.

Buy them:

Bourbon for Breakfast

Its a Jetson's World

Or read them for free (read them to understand why they are available for free):

Bourbon for Breakfast

Its a Jetson's World

I am incapable of expressing my fondness for these two books.  Although I have attempted to express my fondness before.

From the Mises Institute description:

The "problem" with Jeffrey Tucker is that he has been flying under the Austro-libertarian radar for all too long. A tireless worker, but mostly a behind-the-scenes man (apart from his magnificent turn as Nathaniel Branden in Murray Rothbard’s play, “Mozart was a Red”), he has in the past made numerous public contributions from time to time. But now with the publication of Bourbon for Breakfast: Living Outside the Statist Quo, a compilation of many and all of them magnificent shorter writings, he will no longer be able to hide his light under the proverbial bushel.
This book makes a very important contribution to both of his twin loves, libertarian political philosophy and Austrian economics. What he has to say about the economics of water, commerce, technology, police, and jails, are alone worth way more than the price of admission (the book, in keeping with his principles, is available for free on the web, but I urge you to buy as many copies as you can and give them to your friends and family members).
But perhaps his unique contribution to our freedom movement is that he combines these insights of his written in the tradition of Mises, Rothbard and Hazlitt with some very important thoughts on health, manners, food and other such cultural matters. All too many of us (I am as guilty of this as anyone) write and speak as if all there were to life is economics and politics. Not Jeff Tucker, not by a long shot. So, do read him, and carefully, on these two subjects, the core of our philosophy. But, also, study what he has to say about culture. In some ways, these insights of his are just as important. - Walter Block, Loyola University, New Orleans
From federalized showerheads to the libertarian Jetsons, Jeffrey Tucker has written a funny and important book about state meddling, and the possibility of pure freedom. Read Bourbon for Breakfast, and give a copy to everyone you know. It’s a smart, subversive, and devastatingly effective case for liberty. - Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., Chairman of the Mises Institute and editor of

You should seriously read at least one of them.  I've already bought one in order to give it to someone.  Ask me and I'll buy one for you.

Read them!

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