
Thursday, September 27, 2012

C-Span's Book TV

If you are looking for something to watch for entertainment, or a source for non fiction books, then I recommend checking out C-Span's Book TV.

These are programs that are discussions and talks about books on the weekends.  They are live on C-Span 2 on weekends and holidays.  And past shows are available at

The shows can be very interesting or extremely bad.  But you can find interesting new non-fiction books.

Some things I remember about some of the bad ones were:

-the woman who said, "the opportunity cost is not applicable in this case"

-the man who said, "a deficit is like when you want a Ferrari but can't afford one"

-the caller who said, "but you're too young to have that opinion"

Those are some of the stupid things that I've heard.

They are also some excellent authors on.  I first heard about Burt Folsom (in my blog list) when he gave a talk on one of his books.  His writing and speeches are very good, if a bit too simple, on history and economics.

Another person I heard of thanks to Book TV is Kevin Williamson, whose infrequently posted on blog Exchequer is in my blogroll.  It often goes weeks without a new post and yet it remains on my blogroll; there's a reason for that.

Some of the speakers write better than they speak and some speak better than they write.  And the programs are usually interesting.

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