
Monday, September 3, 2012

Getting Good at Anything

It seems to me that there are three things you need to do in order to get good at it.

1. Find a good spot

2. Do it a lot

3. Have good equipment (literal or metaphorical)

This is true for any subject, anywhere at any time.


Let me give you some ways that this applies to various subjects.

Deer Hunting

1. If you are not where the deer are, then you won't shoot any.

2. The more you hunt the better you'll get.  Even if you only learn through trial and error.

3. Your equipment can prevent you from shooting deer, if it is not good and in good order.  You'll miss if your gun wasn't sighted in, your clothing can make noise that spooks the deer, etc.


1. If you're not where the fish are, then you won't catch any.

2. The more you fish, the better you'll get.  Even if you only learn through trial and error.

3. If you use cheap fishing gear, you'll spend more time fixing it rather than actually fishing.

Nailing Girls

1. If you're not where the girls are, you won't pull any.

2. The more you approach, the better you'll get.  Even if you only learn through trial and error.

3. If your inner game is weak and you feel sorry for yourself, then no number of approaches will get you laid.


1. If you don't learn where to buy good ingredients, no amount of skill will overcome this deficiency.

2. The more you cook, the better you'll get.  Even if you only learn through trial and error.

3. If your knives are dull and your range doesn't get hot enough, then there's nothing that you can do to succeed.

Tying Flies

1.  If you don't learn where to buy good hackle, dubbing, thread, etc., no amount of skill will overcome this deficiency.

2. The more you tie, the better you'll get.  Even if you only learn through trial and error.

3.If your scissors don't cut neatly, and your vise doesn't hold still, you won't be able to tie anything but a mess.


My dad has said that he only deer hunts and muskie fishes, because he doesn't have time for everything and he doesn't want to do anything half @ssed.

I'm slowly adding to the list of things that I am good at by focusing on one skill until I have it figured out to my satisfaction.  I'm finding good places to go, I'm spending time at it, and I'm not skimping when I need to buy something.

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