
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Huffington Post Commnets, 9/17/2012, Part I

Me: (In response to an article saying that the republicans' positions are only good for white males.)

I fail to see why the republican goals of freedom, lower taxes, and fewer handouts are only good ideas for white males.


Those are only the Republican talking points. The reality is very different as Reich explained so eloquently. 


The republicans will not accomplish their campaign promises, this is true.

However, how did, for example, the president do on his campaign promises?

Is Guantanamo bay closed?

Are the rich taxed more?

Are we out of Afghanistan and Iraq?

Is his a "transparent" presidency?

Me: (In response to an article saying that the republicans' positions are only good for white males.)

I fail to see why the republican goals of freedom, lower taxes, and fewer handouts are only good ideas for white males.

Jason N

Because they don't believe in freedom (ask a gay couple trying to marry or a woman trying to get an abortion in North Dakota), or lower taxes (unless they benefit rich, the Romney/Ryan plan cuts taxes for the rich and pays for it on the back of social programs designed to aid the middle class meaning either middle class taxes increase to cover those, or we pay for them on our own), or fewer handouts (ask a corporation).


I'm a libertarian. But the republican's platform is correct on many issues. Abortion is killing the unborn, lower taxes are better than higher taxes (for anyone), something needs to be done to social security and medicare, etc.

The republicans will not make good on their campaign promises, but neither will the democrats.

And the democrats are opposed to freedom whenever they can be. Are they in favor of an option, not mandatory, union membership? They enforce CAFE laws that restrict which cars can be made. They helped bail out and nationalize several banks, and GM and Chrysler. They are in favor of taxing people more. Etc.


Me: (In response to an article saying that the republicans' positions are only good for white males.)

I fail to see why the republican goals of freedom, lower taxes, and fewer handouts are only good ideas for white males.
Because these so called goals of theirs (if you believe that rhetoric) are policies geared toward obtaining freedom and lower taxes for rich white males, and to provide fewer handouts to the poor or minorities (handouts for the rich are o.k., but just not for the poor).


Their stated policies are to have lower taxes and more freedom for everyone.

The democrats had significant power in congress and the white house when many of the handouts for businesses (stimulus) and nationalization of GM, Chrysler, and many banks.

You seem to suggest that you think that republicans are racist and sexist, instead of merely having a different idea for what is best for everyone.

I think the democrats are wrong on essentially everything, but I don't think that that is because they are evil. I think that they should spend more time looking at what has happened to the countries that follow their policies, Greece, Italy, Cuba, etc. and they should spend more time looking at what happens when government gets smaller; look at the advances that China and India have made since deciding to make their government smaller.

Why is it that you think that only "rich white males" will benefit from electing republicans? Why would anyone who is not a "rich white male" support them if that was the case?


Me: (In response to an article saying that the republicans' positions are only good for white males.)

I fail to see why the republican goals of freedom, lower taxes, and fewer handouts are only good ideas for white males.


Nobody has interfered with your freedom during this administration, this is one of those generic and unspecific stink-bombs exploded by Rush and company on a daily basis. Taxes are lower than they have been since Eisenhower and the Republicans are raising your taxes by eliminating services that you took for granted til now because there is no way they will be able to fund them since they are further lowering the taxes of those who don't need the handouts. Who is getting the handouts? People who are unemployed. Why are they unemployed? Because of the Republican caused down-turn in the economy and the Republican blocked job bills in Congress. Are you a middle aged white male?


Very shortly I will be required to pay for healthcare insurance weather I want to or not.

The new CAFE requirements for new cars will restrict my ability to buy certain cars.

Then there are the 300,000 other pages of rules and regulations (see: U.S. Code) that interfere with things like the with of the stairways in my house, what kinds of gas that I'm allowed to buy, how fast I'm allowed to drive, waiting periods before buying firearms, etc.

I'm not claiming that all of these rules and regulations have come from this administration, but its added to them.

Why is it that many on the left accuse the right of using "talking points" and then frequently say that anyone who disagrees with them gets their info from places like Rush?

Taxes are lower in a large part thanks to Regan, fyi.

Raising taxes is not the same thing as limiting services.

I've listed two specific examples of this administration interfering with our freedom. Can you name one example of one service that the republicans have eliminated in the past 10 years?

I happen to be an unemployed 26 yo white male with a bachelor's degree.

This recession was not caused solely with help from the republicans, the democrats helped.

How can you claim that a country that has regulations on the water flow allowed from our shower heads (see: U.S. Code) suffered from a lack of regulations?


Me: (In response to an article saying that the republicans' positions are only good for white males.)

I fail to see why the republican goals of freedom, lower taxes, and fewer handouts are only good ideas for white males.


 Yes, you do fail to see.


Thank you for helpful and considerate comment.

Would you care to enlighten this dullard, as to why my comment is incorrect?


Me: (In response to an article saying that the republicans' positions are only good for white males.)

I fail to see why the republican goals of freedom, lower taxes, and fewer handouts are only good ideas for white males.


LOL. I guess you haven't really read the GOP platform. It's declared war against women, Latinos, blacks, gays, and the secular principles on which the country was founded. The GOP's concept of freedom doesn't apply to most people in the US. It does apply to the 1% though--they will be given the freedom to further plunder the nation's wealth. Lower taxes for the millionaires, deregulation of the banking industry and the GOP's fondness for unnecessary wars are what helped get us in this financial mess to begin with.

The GOP's ideas aren't even good for white males. 


GOP Platform:

I did not see a "declared war on women" where did you see that?

By "war on women" do you mean opposition to paying for the birth control of college students, and opposition to killing unborn people?

What evidence do you have that "GOP's concept of freedom doesn't apply to most people in the US"?

How is maintaining the current tax rate for the top 1% giving them more freedom?

How did lowing taxes for the wealthy help cause our current depression?


Me: (In response to an article saying that the republicans' positions are only good for white males.)

I fail to see why the republican goals of freedom, lower taxes, and fewer handouts are only good ideas for white males.


Right??? I wonder how much thought goes into some comments.


Let me try again, and you can tell me if I have put any thought into this one, deal?

The republican's stated positions of lower taxes, less government spending, and fewer laws and regulations affecting our lives is race and gender neutral.

A law saying that the same number of women must be involved in a colleges' sports programs, for example is sexist.

A law saying that not hiring a minority or women because of their race or gender is racist.

A law that keeps the taxes the same for wealthy people is not, in any way, racist or sexist.


Stay tuned for part II

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