Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I'm Skeptical of Evolution

The subject of evolution is important to a lot of people.   I'm skeptical of it.

Firstly, although its becoming a cliche to say so, unless you are a biologist, or similar, weather evolution is accurate or not has no bearing on your life.

Secondly, I'm not arguing that species don't change, for example, their color thanks to evolution.  This post is to say that I don't think evolution causes radical changes in species.  ie...get back to me when you find a mouse with antlers, or a fish with claws.

Charles Darwin supposedly came around to the idea of evolution becasue he went to in island and saw birds with different beaks.  That was nearly 200 years ago.  If we go to the Galapagos today and find those bird species, does anyone think that any of them will be meaningfully different than they were 200 years ago?  How long before one of the bird species grows teeth?  Or has some other sort of radical evolutionary change?

Let's look at mammals, for example.  There exist today: bats, whales, horses, elephants, and people.  Every mammal has two eyes on the front-ish, top-ish, part of its head.  Every mammal has two front and two back legs (even whales have vestigial back legs).  There are all sorts of other similarities among mammals too.

There exist a huge rage of types of mammals and yet we all have two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, one mouth, etc.  If there is a range of animals as divers as bats to whales, and if evolution were true, then shouldn't their be an array of the number of eyes, ears, noses, etc.?

Insects have an array of eyes and so on, but I'll bet that we could travel a billion years in the future and the insects of then would be approximately the same as those today.  If evolution is true, then how long must we wait until we see an insect with skin?  Or a duck with horns?

Another problem that I have with this theory is that when an abnormality occurs, then that one thing is less likely to survive and less likely to mate.  For example: if a person is born with horns, would he be more, or less likely to mate?  Even if he did mate wouldn't his abnormality still be abnormal and the offspring likely to not have it?


  1. Vox frequently posts stimulating articles on this very matter.

    I found today's post and the ensuing discussion rather enlightening: http://voxday.blogspot.com/2013/04/mailvox-evolution-and-slippery-slope.html

    1. It is an interesting thing to think about, on occasion.

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